
Teacher. Guadalupe, Ingles, 2TA, 2TB, 2TC, 2TD


Write the past forms of the irregular verbs.
·         go →
·         come →
·         buy →
·         have → 
·         do →
·         make →
·         swim
·         sing →
·         cut →
·         shake →
Write the past forms of the regular verbs.
·         Play
·         Call →
·         Cook →
·         Answer →
·         Work →
·         Travel →
·         Explain →
·         Wait →
·         Wash →
·         Watch →
Put the sentences into simple past.
·         We open the door. →
·         You write poems. Richard plays in the garden →
·         Kerry does not speak English →
·         Do you see the bird? →
Reorganize the following words to create sentences in SIMPLE PAST.
·         you / cards / play
·         I / a car / want  
·         we / the game / lose 
·         not / I / early / get up
·         not / Jeff and Linda / home / cycle 

Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).
·         Last year I (spend)______ my holiday in Ireland.
·         It (be)_____ great.
·         I (travel) ______ around by car with two friends and we (visit) lots of interesting places.
·         In the evenings we usually (go)____ to a pub.
·         One night we even (learn) ____some Irish dances.
·         We (be)____ very lucky with the weather.
·         It (not / rain)____ a lot.
·         But we (see) ____some beautiful rainbows.
·         Where (spend / you)____ your last holiday?

Create questions in simple past using the sentences below.
1. Jason went to Paris last weekend. (question - where?)
2. I played tennis last week. (question)
3. She drove a BMW to the party last night? (question - what car?)
4. The Queen visited Australia last summer. (question)
5. They bought a new house in Rome. (question - where?)
6. Pele was Brazil's best ever footballer. (question)
7. I was at the party last Saturday. (question - where/you?)
8. I saw Jane during the meeting. (question)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Complete the pages from 1 to 18 on your English book

Todo se presentara el día que se reanuden las clases

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